Unlock Savings: Black Friday SEO Tools Guide

published on 17 November 2023


Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become some of the biggest retail events of the year, with retailers offering massive discounts both online and in-store. For small businesses and startups trying to maximize their marketing efforts on a budget, these sales provide a huge opportunity to invest in powerful SEO tools at a fraction of the usual cost.

Upgrading your SEO tools with the latest discounts can give your organic search strategy the boost it needs to drive more traffic and sales. Robust tools allow you to thoroughly research target keywords, run comprehensive site audits, track your rankings, identify new link building opportunities, and automate content creation.

With savings between 40-60% off on top-tier platforms like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz, now is the time to take your SEO game to the next level without blowing your budget. This guide will break down the best Black Friday deals to help you make the most of the sales and set your startup's SEO up for success.

Keyword Research Tools

Thorough keyword research is the critical starting point for any effective SEO strategy. Keyword research tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz provide robust data on monthly search volumes, keyword difficulty scores, competitor ranking analysis, and more.

This data powers your ability to identify low competition keywords aligned with searcher intent, group keywords into relevant topics, and inform content creation and optimization efforts.

Luckily, these powerful platforms are offering discounts up to 50% off for Black Friday. Now is the time to gain access to enterprise-level keyword research capabilities that can shape your entire approach.


  • 50% off annual Pro and Guru plans
  • Keyword research for 70M+ keywords across Google and Bing
  • Keyword difficulty scores, search volumes, and ranking analysis
  • Competitor keyword gap analysis to uncover new opportunities
  • Creates a strategic foundation for SEO strategy and content


  • 40% off Ahrefs Lite plan for just $99/year
  • Dig into keyword search volumes, difficulty, and trend data
  • Review keyword rankings of competitors across billions of pages
  • Group keywords into topic clusters for content optimization
  • Affordable entry point to upgrade later to more robust plans

Moz Pro

  • 50% off first month of Moz Pro, normally $99/month
  • Access search volume, difficulty scores, and search trends
  • See how competitors rank for target keywords
  • Find low competition keywords in your niche
  • Hefty discount encourages thorough testing before committing

Site Audit Tools

Conducting regular site audits is crucial for identifying technical SEO issues that could be dragging down your rankings and conversion rates. Site audit tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and SEOSiteCheckup analyze page speed, mobile optimization, structured data, broken links, and more.

This Black Friday you can get robust auditing tools for up to 60% off. Their beginner-friendly interfaces simplify auditing for new users while still providing enterprise-level functionality. Instead of guessing what may be hurting your site's performance, you can get concrete data on issues to address.

Ahrefs Site Audit

  • Just $99 annually with 40% savings
  • Audits page speed, mobile optimization, indexing issues
  • Identifies thin content pages, broken internal links
  • Screenshot previews of site pages right in the interface
  • Clear optimization opportunities to improve technical SEO

Moz Pro

  • 50% off first month provides access to robust site auditing
  • Analyzes page titles, metadata, headings, and other on-page elements
  • Quantifies site speed and mobile-friendliness with scoring
  • Exports detailed technical issues and solutions in PDF format
  • Affordable way to access powerful auditing capabilities


  • 60% off puts Pro plan at just $29/month
  • Audits page speed, HTML tags, on-page content, and more
  • Visual heatmaps to see optimization opportunities
  • Downloadable PDF reports to share with your dev team
  • Discounted pricing expands access for small site budgets

Rank Tracking Software

Monitoring your keyword rankings consistently is crucial for gauging the impact of your SEO efforts. Rank tracking software like SEMrush, Moz, and Sistrix spare you from manually looking up your site's rankings day after day.

Their robust rank tracking capabilities are now more affordable than ever with discounts up to 40% off. You can keep a close eye on your keyword rankings across search engines without breaking your marketing budget.


  • 40% off annual Pro plan with rank tracking features
  • Tracks keyword rankings on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and 70+ search engines
  • Graphs show ranking history and progress over time
  • Get email and push notification alerts for ranking changes
  • Significantly expands rank monitoring capacity

Moz Pro

  • 50% off first payment provides access to rank tracking
  • Tracks rankings on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and location-based SERPs
  • Automates tracking instead of checking manually
  • Graphs show ranking trends over custom date ranges
  • Discounted trial encourages thorough testing


  • 30% off monthly plans
  • Tracks keyword rankings on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, and Baidu
  • Competitor ranking data for comparison
  • Get automatic email alerts when rankings fluctuate
  • More affordable entry point for SMBs and solopreneurs

Backlinks remain one of the most important ranking factors, which is why link building is a mandatory part of any SEO strategy. Link building tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and BuzzStream help you identify lucrative link building opportunities and streamline outreach.

Their prospecting features provide visibility into sites mentioning your competitors but not linking to you, segmented by authority metrics and traffic levels. Rather than shooting in the dark, you can connect with sites likely to actually link back to you.


  • 40% off Ahrefs Lite unlocks solid link building capabilities
  • Discover sites that link to competitors but not you in your niche
  • Filter prospects by authority scores to prioritize high-value sites
  • Sort by most likely to link out to identify low-hanging fruit
  • Affordable access to robust link building intel


  • 40% off Pro plan provides Backlink Audit capabilities
  • Analyze domains linking to competitors but not your site
  • Filter prospects by spam score and domain authority
  • Download lists of most relevant link building prospects
  • Significant discount makes enterprise-level intel accessible


  • Save 20% on all BuzzStream link building plans
  • Prospect discovery based on relevancy to your business
  • Automated outreach templates to simplify following up
  • Manage link pipeline with prospect scoring capabilities
  • Discount enables access to pro software solution

Content Creation Tools

Creating sufficient high-quality, SEO-optimized content can be a major hurdle for resource-strapped startups and small teams. AI-powered writing tools like Writer, Conversion.ai, and MarketMuse can be total game-changers.

This Black Friday you can get up to 25% off tools that automate optimizing content around target keywords, allowing you to scale content production exponentially. Rather than getting writer's block, you can leverage AI to turn out blog posts, guides, and other content that ranks.


  • Get 20% off Writer for AI content generation
  • Feed in keywords and outlines to produce SEO-optimized content
  • Writer handles optimizing content around chosen keywords
  • Create more content in far less time as a solopreneur
  • Discount makes advanced AI capabilities more accessible


  • 25% off Conversion.ai for AI blog post creation
  • Enter keywords and notes to have AI generate content
  • Automatically focuses content on high-value SEO keywords
  • Scales content production for small teams/solo founders
  • Significantly expands creative capacity at lower cost


  • 20% off MarketMuse to optimize existing content for SEO
  • Analyzes content and identifies opportunities to improve ranking potential
  • Revises content for better keyword usage and readability
  • Robust SEO toolset without the big agency price tag
  • Discount enables AI-optimization on smaller budgets

Website Crawling Tools

While manual site audits are helpful, the best way to analyze every aspect of your site's technical SEO is by using an automated website crawling tool. Powerful crawlers like SiteBulb and DeepCrawl identify critical issues that may be hurting your site's indexing, speed, and mobile friendliness.

This Black Friday offers discounts up to 60% off, making enterprise-level website crawling incredibly affordable. For a fraction of the normal price, you can gain complete visibility into technical problems dragging down your SEO.


  • Get SiteBulb Website Crawler for just $10/month
  • Automatically crawls entire site identifying critical SEO issues
  • Finds broken pages, thin content, crawling errors, and more
  • Make technical fixes to improve site health and search rankings
  • 60% discount enables robust automated auditing


  • 30% off all DeepCrawl monthly crawler plans
  • Regular crawls reveal technical SEO issues impacting performance
  • Customize crawl settings for optimized results
  • Integrates directly with Google Search Console and Analytics
  • Significantly more affordable website auditing solution


  • Botify crawler 20% off monthly plans
  • Crawls site analyzing technical SEO, on-page factors, content issues
  • Uncovers page speed and mobile UX problems hurting conversions
  • Dashboard centralizes SEO issues to address
  • Discount enables pro-level site auditing on a budget


Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals represent the best time all year to invest in powerful SEO tools without putting a dent in your marketing budget. With discounts up to 60% off on leading platforms, now is the time to supercharge your organic search strategy with pro-level capabilities.

Robust SEO tools allow startups and small teams to punch above their weight class when it comes to driving sustainable traffic and conversions through search. Don't wait - take advantage of these stellar deals today to set your SEO up for success in 2023 and beyond!

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